Easter at Pip & Jim’s
We hope you have a really lovely Easter!
You’d be most welcome to join us for any of our Easter and Lent services.
Easter is coming, and you can almost feel the possibility of new life bursting forth everywhere. But before we reach that happy day, we have this spacious season of Lent. We’re creating plenty of opportunities to carve out space for reflection, prayer, and dreaming in the midst of your busy life. Everyone is welcome as we dream together about what a better world might look like—a world made possible through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Joint Service for Palm Sunday with Betheseda Methodists
Sunday 13th April, 10.30am, Palm Sunday
Joint service with Betheseda Methodists at Betheseda Methodist Church
Maundy Thursday Agape Meal
Thursday 17th April, 6pm Maundy Thursday Supper & service
A creative service exploring the last supper including a meal - please book for the supper via https://pipandjims.org.uk/calendar or via email info@pipandjims.org.uk
Good Friday Stay and Play
Friday 18th April, Good Friday
Stay and play for 0-11 year olds, 9.30am-11.30am
A morning of craft, art and fun activities. Refreshments including hot cross buns will be available.
An Hour at the Cross
Friday 18th April, 3pm-4pm
A reflective service for Good Friday with music and silence. -
8am Easter Morning Communion
Sunday 20th April, Easter morning, 8am
A short reflective Communion service.
Easter Celebration Communion Service
Sunday 20th April, Easter morning, 10am
A relaxed celebration communion service followed by an Easter egg hunt and prosecco!