Our Mission and Strategy
Our Vision
What will our church look like if we are successful?
Pip and Jim’s will be a flourishing church, where faith is deepened and lives enriched; a place of wonder, celebration and activism for a better world.
Our Mission
What will we do to bring this about?
We will be an inclusive, welcoming congregation witnessing to our Christian faith and offering hospitality and space for community activities in response to local and global challenges.
…to run a sustainable space securing the human and financial resources to deliver our mission.
…to work for the coming of God’s Kingdom, playing our part in building a more just and sustainable world.
Spirituality …
…to deepen our spiritual life by offering rich, vivid and creative worship and opportunities to explore our Christian faith, so that we grow in numbers and vocations.
Our Values
How will we do these things?
Inspired by the love of God, revealed in Christ, we will be an inclusive, caring, joyful congregation, learning to engage with and welcome our local community as we share our new space.
…to anchor Pip and Jim’s at the heart of our local community, and to be recognised as a space offering hospitality and support grounded in faith.
Strategic Plan
Click the button below to view our Strategic Plan for 2023-2027.