Our Mission Partner
St Andrew’s, Ramallah
Since March 2014 St Andrews, Ramallah and St Philip & St James have been in a partnership. The Church Council agreed the following.
Vision Statement: Together we are partners in the Gospel and signs of God’s reconciling love, building awareness, and understanding, and advocating justice and peace for all in the Holy Land.
Mission Statement
To learn more about our Christian faith from a community of Christians who live in a culture and context very different to our own.
To see our faith not only as a private matter, but as our response to Jesus’s command to pray for the coming of his Kingdom of justice, reconciliation, and peace.
To befriend and support those Christians who are ‘the living stones’ in the land where Jesus lived and have inherited their faith directly from the first Christians.
To show that Christian faith recognizes no human boundaries, seeing Christ in all people, especially those who live under oppression.
There have been three pilgrimages to St Andrews and in return members of St Andrews led by Reverend Fadi Diab have visited St Philip & St James on three occasions. There is an ongoing financial commitment by the church (£4,000 per annum) and this money is used either to assist members of St Andrews to visit or when a visit hasn’t taken place the money has been donated to charity connected to St Andrews Ramallah.
A pilgrimage led by Reverend Simon Witcombe (Senor Chaplain at the University of Gloucestershire and member of P & J) is planned to take place in October 2024.